Island of the Hungry Ghosts is an evocative film set on Christmas Island in 2018. The film is topical as the Australian government is reopening the Christmas Island Detention Centre and is sending people there from mainland immigration detention centres. Film Night...
Recently a man (we will call him Reza) was released from Yongah Hill Immigration Detention Centre north of Perth. He had been detained for two years because he was accused of something which was later proven not to be true. Then he continued to be detained...
Delays are causing further suffering for almost 200 refugees whose requests for transfer or resettlement were approved in 2019. A group of almost 200 refugees on Nauru who have had either medical transfers or resettlement requests approved since 2019 still...
Dutton and his new acting henchman Alan Tudge have come to the decision that the current pandemic and downturn in the economic climate is a good time to start evicting asylum seekers and refugees out of their long-term accommodation, and cutting off their financial...
The charity sector is struggling in the face of unprecedented demand from those the Coalition refuses to help. There are now fears that many charities won’t survive. But if they go down, a big chunk of Australia’s social safety net will go with them, as will large...
Detainees in a Melbourne detention centre are not being provided alcohol-based hand sanitiser, do not have room to socially distance and fear staff who come and go from the centre each day could be spreading the virus. Photographs taken inside the Melbourne...