We do a lot with a little.

Help us to house and support asylum seekers and refugees in the Australian community.

Stand together tor JUSTICE AND KINDNESS on Palm Sunday

Stand together tor JUSTICE AND KINDNESS on Palm Sunday

1pm Gather on Princes Bridge with Riff Raff Marching Band. 1.45pm Arrive at Tom's Block. (Bring a picnic rug or chair)2 - 3pm Program of speakers and music with MC Tom Ballard and guest Gillian Triggs AC. Refugee speakers and musicians, faith representatives....

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Denigrating refugees: Media Watch is no exception

Denigrating refugees: Media Watch is no exception

By Peter Job Feb 12, 2025 Australian citizens and residents who originally came to this country seeking asylum, as they are clearly entitled to do under international law, have been in the news recently, through no fault of their own and not in a good way....

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UN Report Violation Of Rights

UN Report Violation Of Rights

Australia violated human rights treaty with Nauru detainees, UN committee find Friday 10 January 2025 Australia has used "offshore processing" for asylum seekers attempting to read Australia by boat since 2013. (Immigration Department) In short: A UN...

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Annual Report 2023 – 2024

Annual Report 2023 – 2024

MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR This year the Board oversaw the completion of the 2022-2024 Strategic Plan. This was the first strategic plan in BASP’s history and has helped the Board and Coordinators as we’ve made strategic decisions over recent years. The Board has...

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Words matter: Corrosive narratives dehumanise refugees

Words matter: Corrosive narratives dehumanise refugees

The way we talk about other human beings matters. We may use hurtful language. We may deny them their identity by giving them numbers or names that are not their own names. We can assign them identities based on the name of the boat that arrived in, seeking...

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You can help

  • provide hospitality and practical support for people seeking asylum
  • actively network with like-minded individuals and groups who are working for justice for asylum seekers
  • promote advocacy for the rights of people seeking asylum
  • engage in education about asylum seekers’ issues
  • donate or volunteer
Donate to support our work

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Stay informed of what BASP is doing to assist and advocate for refugees, by reading our newsletter


Our staff

BASP is staffed by a small team of dedicated experienced professionals, and Volunteers who kindly support our everyday work with an extraordinary range of expertise and experience.

Brigid Arthur BASP

Brigid Arthur, Project Coordinator

Brigid Arthur CSB is our Project coordinator and a Brigidine Sister with a long and passionate career as an educator. She has been described as ‘an octogenarian human rights advocate, protester and leader.’
(csb = Congregation of Sisters of Brigid)

Libby Saunders BASP

Libby Saunders, Project Coordinator

Libby is an experienced social worker who worked in disability and community care before joining BASP in 2014.

Libby is mainly involved with housing and volunteers.


The Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project (BASP) is a Melbourne-based initiative of the Brigidine Sisters which aims to:

  • Provide hospitality and practical support for people seeking asylum;
  • Actively network with like-minded individuals and groups who are working for justice for asylum seekers;
  • Promote advocacy for the rights of people seeking asylum;
  • Engage in education about asylum seekers’ issues.


We have many volunteer opportunities e.g. volunteer for our Friendship through teaching English program, providing friendship and support to an asylum seeker family along with personalised assistance in everyday English. Help families settle in their Australian community by exploring local facilities and services together. Volunteers visit an assigned family once a week to offer friendship and support.

Please contact us to help.

Be informed about asylum seekers in Australia

Authorised Travellers

Contrary to the images sometimes projected by government and the media, most asylum seekers arrive in Australia by air as authorised travellers.

Ordinary Human Beings

Asylum seekers are ordinary human beings with the same emotions and reactions that most of us would have in similar circumstances.


They have been involved in persecution in their own countries that we find hard to imagine from the safety of this country.

I am helping a family from Chad to speak English. I feel good to know that my assistance helps a mother of five negotiate the daily shopping run. It’s been my privilege to come to know a caring and grateful new Australian family.

Volunteer, Albert Park

Brigid brought a toy helicopter to the detention centre so I could send a birthday present to my son in Sri Lanka. I haven’t seen him since he was a baby.
Raka (not his real name)

Melbourne Immigration Transit Accommodation (Broadmeadows Detention Centre)

You accepted me unconditionally and you changed my life from sorrow to joy, from darkness to light and from no hope to hope.

(housed by a volunteer until she was able to secure private rental)

You can help BASP

Contact us to assist, get involved, donate time, money, household goods or expertise.